Absolutely incredible piece of fashion history from Vivienne Westwood's 1994 "On Liberty" ready to wear collection. What makes this particular piece stand out from the rest of the collection is its use of "Harris Tweed", first introduced in Westwood's collections in 1987. While some pieces within the '94 collection did use the Harris tweed, this silhouette of jacket was rarely seen in the harris tweed iconic red which makes this jacket particularly rare (we couldn't find a photo of this exact jacket making us think it was a re-use of the 80s Harris Tweed on a modern 90s silhouette). The under bust chain that acts as the connective button is a gorgeous gold with the Westwood emblem on both sides. This is a gold label Westwood, seen specifically for the "On Liberty" collection. Featuring a under bust chain button, velvet lapel and a dramatic curvaceous and bust exposing silhouette that accentuates hips, this is both British regency in nature but also a throwback to a Marie-Antoinette cinched waist and flared hip element that we love to see from Westwood. In excellent condition, acetate interior, no apparent flaws.
Shoulders: 15"
Sleeve: 18"
Chest: 30"
Waist: 26"
Hip Flare: 38"
Length: 22"